Citando Joseph Haig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think it must have been the lilypond mailserver seeing the 'at' sign
> and assuming that it is an email address, because it is wrong in the
> list archives.  The line should read:
> my($fin,$fout,$label) = @ARGV;
> I have put spaces either side of the equals sign, and this may allow
> it to get through the mail server correctly.  That is,
> "my($fin,$fout,$label) = ", followed by an 'at' sign, followed (with
> no space) by 'ARGV;'
> Alternatively, replace the line with the following three lines.
> my($fin)=$ARGV[0];
> my($fout)=$ARGV[1];
> my($label)=$ARGV[2];
> which will have the same effect.
> Regards,
> Joe
Thank you! Now it doesn't say that error message, however the output is an empty

See the attached file. What I did was: perl ly-extract
then it creates a blank file.

Have a good da
Com o Click21 você tem sempre vantagens! Além do email com 1 Gb, Acelerador, 
Flog, Games e atendimento 24 horas, voce também pode falar minutos DDD com a
promoção Click 21 Minutos. Quanto mais você navega mais fala DDD.
\version "2.9.19"
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #t)
#(set-global-staff-size 16)

\header {
	title = "Lindo tempo de Natal"
	subtitle = "" 
	subsubtitle = "" 
	composer = "Melodia Inglesa" 
	arranger = "" 
	poet = "" 
	texttranslator = "Leonido Krey" 
	tagline = ##f
%%% “Por grande infindo amor.”

verseOne = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "1."
Vin -- de to -- dos en -- to -- ar hi -- nos de lou -- vor,
Pois ao mun -- do Deus quis dar Cris -- to Re -- den -- tor


verseTwo = \lyricmode { 

Lin -- do tem -- po de Na -- tal, a --  le --  gri -- a ce -- les -- tial!
Quan -- tos sons, quan -- ta luz, tu -- do lem -- bra~o bom Je -- sus.
Lin -- do  tem -- po de Na -- tal, a --  le -- gri -- a ce -- les -- tial.
\set stanza = "2."
Nes -- te mun -- do de~i -- lu -- são, Cris -- to~é nos -- sa luz
Que da ne -- gra~es -- cu -- ri -- dão pa -- ra~o Céu con -- duz.


verseThree = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "3."
Ho -- je no~or -- be ter -- re -- al to -- dos com fer -- vor
Can -- tem hi -- nos de Na -- tal do bom Sal -- va -- dor.

verseFour = \lyricmode { 
Tem -- po \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 go -- zo
\repeat unfold 16 { \skip 1 }
Tem -- po \skip 1 \skip 1 \skip 1 go -- zo


verseFive = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "5."


verseSix = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "6."

global = {
   \clef "treble"
   \key f \major % or e \minor
   \time 4/4  
   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
   \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##t
   \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
   \set Staff.shapeNoteStyles = ##(do re mi fa #f la ti)

sop =	\relative c'' {
	\set autoBeaming = ##f
	c8[ bes] a[ bes] c4 a f g a2 a8[ g] f[ g] a4 f c e f2
	g4 c c2 a4 c c2 g4 d' c a c bes8[ a] g2
	c8[ bes] a[ bes] c4 a f g a2 a8[ g] f[ g] a4 f c e f2^\markup { \smallCaps "Fine" } \bar "|."
	g4. a8 bes4 g a bes c2 d4 c bes a bes1
	g4. a8 bes4 g a bes c2 c,4 a' a g f1
	\override Score.RehearsalMark
       #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
	\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
	\mark \markup { \small \smallCaps "D.C. al Fine " }

alto = \relative c'' {
	\set autoBeaming = ##t
	a8[ g8] f8[ g8] a4 f4 c4 e4 f2 f2. c4 c4 c4 c2 

e4 e4 g4 e4 f4 f4 f2 e4 e4 f4 f4 a4 g8 f8 e2
f2. f4 d4 e4 f2 f2. c4 c8 ces8 bes4 a2 
c4. c8 e4 e4 f4 f4 f2 f4 fis4 g4 fis4 g1 

g4. f8 g4 e4 f4 g4 a2 c,4 f4 e4 e4 c4\( bes a2\) 

tenor = \relative c' {
	\set autoBeaming = ##t
	f2. c4 a bes c2 c8[ bes] a[ bes] c4 c a bes a2
	c4 g c2 c4 a c( a) c c c d d d e8 d c bes
	a[ d] c[ bes] a4 c d bes c2 b( c4) a a8[ aes] g4 f2 \bar "|."
	e4. f8 g a bes4 c c c2 bes4 c d d d1
	c4. c8 c4 c c c c2 a4 c c bes a\( g f a8 f\) 
bass = \relative c {
	\set autoBeaming = ##t
	f2. f4 a g f2 f2. a,4 c c f2
	c4 c e( c) f f a( f) c' bes a d, g, bes c2
	f2. a4 bes g f2 d2( c4) c c c f,2
	c'4. c8 c4 c f g a2 bes4 a g d g,\( bes8[ d] g4 f\)
	e4. d8 c4 bes' a g f\( a,8 bes\) c4 c c c f,1 

\score {
  \context ChoirStaff <<
    \context Staff = upper <<
      \context Voice =
         sopranos { \voiceOne << \sop >> }
      \context Voice =
         altos { \voiceTwo << \alto >> }
	 \context Lyrics = one \lyricsto sopranos { \repeat unfold 41 { \skip 1 } \verseOne }
	 \context Lyrics = two \lyricsto sopranos { \verseTwo }
      \context Lyrics = three \lyricsto sopranos {\repeat unfold 41 { \skip 1 } \verseThree }

    \context Staff = lower <<
      \clef bass
      \context Voice =
        tenors { \voiceOne << \tenor >> }
      \context Voice =
        basses { \voiceTwo << \bass >> }
	\context Lyrics = ba \lyricsto basses { \verseFour }
\midi { }
  \layout {
    \context {
      % **** Turns off bar numbering
      \remove Bar_number_engraver
    %  \override PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
    \context {
      % **** Prevents lyrics from running too close together
      \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #0.5
      % **** Makes the text of lyrics a little smaller
      \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1
      \override StanzaNumber #'font-size = #-1
      % **** Moves lines of lyrics closer together
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)

\paper { 
	#(set-paper-size "a5")
	indent = 0.0\cm
	topmargin = 1.3\cm
	leftmargin = 1.5\cm
	bottommargin = 1.3\cm
	ragged-last-bottom = ##f
%	between-system-space = 0.85\cm 
%	between-system-padding = 0.2\cm
	line-width = 11.5\cm 
	ragged-bottom = ##t
%	after-title-space = 0.2\cm

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