Hi Everyone,

The latest Lilypond 2.11.1 on my work laptop and home computer is extremely 
slow.. to the point of going in what seems to be an infinite loop.

I've monitored the process with task manager and noticed that Lilypond 
(gauging from the memory usage of this version and the previous version 
2.11.0-1) that lilypond seems to continuly runs itself over and over again. 
The memory useage peaks at 240, 000K for a score then declines very slowly 
back down to around 6,000K only to start up again moving back up to 
240,000K. I noticed that lilypond did this 10 times before I stopped the 
process (I also noticed that CPU percentage never got above 20). I 
uninstalled 2.11.1 and reinstalled 2.11.0-1 and ran the file again .. no 
problems Lilypond ran the memory usage peaked around 260,000K this time (all 
while CPU percentage was at about 49 for most of the time) and memory useage 
decline until the application terminated after producing the PDF output at 
about 3 minutes to the well over 15 minutes on 2.11.1 before I stopped it.

Has anyone else had similar problems?


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