The nice thing about a wiki is that I can spend 15 minutes improving
the one area which I now understand after spending an hour

Then, next month, I'll spend another 15 minutes.

Pages which are often references tend to get better quickly.

I probably won't spend 5 hours writing lilypond docs, but I might
spend 15 minutes a few times a year.

Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a challenge: before complaining about my anti-wiki position,
> spend five hours writing docs for the official docs.  It doesn't have
> to be all at once; spend half an hour one day, maybe an hour on the
> next, etc.  Send your doc changes to me according to this page:
> If you want ideas on what to work on, I'm more than happy to discuss
> it with you.  (but the time spent on that discussion doesn't count
> towards those five hours)
> This doesn't need to be original work; if you find some info in an
> email from lilypond-user that should be in the docs, by all means
> submit that.

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