Use the staff-padding property to specify the distance from the staff. However, even if you set the padding property to zero, LilyPond will not let the note head collide with the text
(unless you attach it to spacing note in a separate Voice context).


Quoting Monk Panteleimon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I would like to create a custom \markup command that puts a letter
at a specified distance from the staff rather than from a note.

On 12/09/2005 01:51:26 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
What about putting an invisible note in a separate voice, at a known
position (e.g., top line of the staff), and attaching the \markup to

Thank you.
That would be good if the markup where used once or twice in a score,
but this is for "ison" or drone notes that are used in Byzantine Chant.
They are often noted by a letter above the staff which appears only
when the note changes.This happens at irregular intervals, like chord
changes although generally less regular and less frequent. If I just
attach them to the notes, this gives an uneven appearance in places
where the changes are closer together, and I'm trying to avoid tweaking
them all with #'extra-offset until they sort of look even.

The markup I'm looking for should be something that acts visually more
or less like lilypond's chord-letters but has no midi output. I would
just use the chords if it weren't for the midi output and the fact that
I can't (afaik) visually format the chords.

Fr. P

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