Am 14/12/2006 um 23:14 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

Manuel wrote:

I have just finished the first part of my didactical work. People usually comment on the nicety of the engraving's typeface (do you call it typeface?)

The second part contains a series of two-part pieces (cantus + bassus). I'm having trouble printing the titles. if I set the "print all headers" instruction, only the last one appears and not just two but three times, as can be seen in the following example. It is obvious that I'm doing something wrong, but I don't get it. It worked for the melodies, but it is different with the two-part pieces.

Read again what I wrote in my answer from December 4
(the first one from that date). You have to group your
header block together with the corresponding music in
a \score{...} block.

I had been trying to do that. I show you now a brief example modified from the pdf tutorial:

Version 2.10.0


\header {
title = "Miniature"
composer = "Igor Stravinsky"
{ c' d' e' f' }

\header {
title = "Second Miniature"
composer = "Igor Stravinsky"
{ a' b' c'' d'' }

I seeked to put the headers and the music "inside" the score blocks. What am I doing wrong?


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