In the second example, the first 3 lyric-syllables are left aligned to the
note-head because I specified the durations and didn't use lyricsto. Intend

% Created on Thu Dec 14 07:50:40 GMT-03:00 2006
\version "2.10.2"

\include ""

verse= \lyricmode {
come8 good old friends


staffSoprano = \new Staff  {
        \time 6/8
        \key c \major
        \clef treble
        \relative c' {
        \context Voice = "melodySop" {
 \partial 4. < g' e >8 < f d > < e c > < c' e >4. ~ < c e >

        \bar "|."


\score {

                \context Lyrics = "lmelodySop" { \verse }



\score {

                \context Lyrics = "lmelodySop" \lyricsto "melodySop" { \verse }



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