here is the file

\version "2.10.2"

numeroHimno = "1"
tituloHimno = "¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo!"

\paper {
oddHeaderMarkup = \markup {  \bold \large  \numeroHimno } 
print-page-number = ##f
between-system-space = 0.0\cm
head-separation = 0.0\cm

\header {
title = \tituloHimno
copyright = "Iglesia Bautista de Jesucristo"
tagline = ""
meter = \markup { "(CAPO I)" }

acordes= \chordmode { 

ees2 c2:m bes2:7 ees2 aes4 d4:dim7/+bes aes4 bes4:9 ees1
bes2/+d ees4 g4:m/+d c4:m f4:/+c bes4 ees4 bes2/+f f4:7 bes4 bes1
ees2 c2:m bes2:7 ees2 aes4 d4:dim7/+bes aes4 bes4:9 ees1
c4:m aes4 ees4 ees4:7 aes2 ees4 ees4:7 aes4 f4:m/+aes bes4:7 ees ees1
#(define (parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context)
  (markup #:line ("(" (ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context) ")")))

acordesConCapo= << \chordmode {

\set chordNameFunction = #parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names

\transpose ees d {
ees2 c2:m bes2:7 ees2 aes4 d4:dim7/+bes aes4 bes4:9 ees1
bes2/+d ees4 g4:m/+d c4:m f4:/+c bes4 ees4 bes2/+f f4:7 bes4 bes1
ees2 c2:m bes2:7 ees2 aes4 d4:dim7/+bes aes4 bes4:9 ees1
c4:m aes4 ees4 ees4:7 aes2 ees4 ees4:7 aes4 f4:m/+aes bes4:7 ees4 ees1


tope = \relative c'  {

\key ees \major
\time 4/4

\new Voice = "melodia" {

<bes ees>4 <bes ees> <ees g> <ees g>
<< \context Voice = "melodia" { \stemUp bes'2 <ees, bes'>4 <d bes'> } \\ { d ( f ) } >> 
<c c'> <d c'> <ees c'> <f c'>
<g bes>2 <ees g>2 \break
<< \context Voice = "melodia" { \stemUp \slurUp bes'4. bes8 <bes g>4 <bes g> }  \\ \context Voice = "melodia" { \stemDown \slurDown f4 f4 } >>
<< { \voiceOne ees'2 <f, d'>4 <g bes> } \new Voice { \voiceTwo d ( f ) } >> \oneVoice
<< { \voiceOne f <d bes'> <ees c'>4. <d bes'>8} \new Voice { \voiceTwo f4 } >> \oneVoice
<d bes'>1 \break
<bes ees>4 <bes ees> <ees g> <ees g>
<< { \voiceOne bes'2 <ees, bes'>4 <d bes'> } \new Voice { \voiceTwo  d ( f ) } >> \oneVoice
<< { \voiceOne { \stemUp \slurUp c'4. c8 <c ees,>4 <c f,>} } { \voiceThree \stemUp \slurUp c,4 d} >> \oneVoice
<g bes>2 <ees bes'>2 \break
<ees ees'>4 <ees ees'> <ees bes'> <ees bes'>
<ees c'>2 <ees g>4 <des g>
<c aes'> <c f> <d! f>4. ees8
<ees ees>1




versoUno = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "1. "
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 Se4 -- ñor4 om4 -- ni4 -- po4 -- ten2 -- te,2
Siem4 -- pre4 el la -- bio mí -- o lo -- o -- res Te da -- rá.
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 "Te a" -- do - ro re -- ve -- ren2 -- te,2
Dios4 en tres per -- so2 -- nas,4 ben -- di -- ta Tri -- ni -- dad.1


versoDos = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "2. "
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 en nu -- me -- ro -- so co -- ro,
San -- tos " " es -- co -- gi -- dos "Te a" -- do -- ran sin ce -- sar1
"De a" -- le -- gría -- a lle -- nos y sus " " co -- ro -- nas "de o"2 -- ro
Rin4 -- den an "te el" tro2 -- no4 "y el" cris -- ta -- li -- no mar.1


versoTres = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "3. "
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 "la in" -- men -- sa mu -- che -- dum2 -- bre
"De án"1 -- ge - les que cum -- plen tu san -- ta vo -- lun -- tad,1
An4 -- te Ti se pos -- tra, ba -- ña - da de tu  lum2 -- bre,
An4 -- te Ti "que has" si2 -- do,4 que e -- res y se -- rás.1


versoCuatro = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "4. "
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 por más "que es" -- tés ve -- la2 -- do,
"E im"4 -- po - si -- ble se -- a tu glo -- ria con -- tem -- plar;1
San4 -- to "Tú e" -- res só -- lo, y na -- da hay a tu la2 do
En4 po -- der per -- fec2 -- to,4 pu -- re -- "za y" ca -- ri -- dad.1


versoCinco = \lyricmode { 
\set stanza = "5. "
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 la glo -- ria de tu nom2 -- bre
Ve4 -- mos " " en tus o -- bras en cie -- lo, tie -- "rra y" mar;1
¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San4 -- to!4 ¡San2 -- to!4 "Te a" -- do - ra -- rá to -- "do hom"2 -- bre,
Dios4 en tres per -- so2 nas4 ben -- di -- ta Tri -- ni -- dad.


bajo = \relative c'  {
\clef bass
\key ees \major
\time 4/4

<g ees>4 <g ees> <ees c> <ees c>
<< { \stemDown bes2 <ees g>4 <ees bes'> } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp f (aes) } >>
<aes aes,> <aes, bes'> <aes' c> <bes d>
<< { \stemDown ees,2 <ees bes'>2 } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp ees'4 (bes) } >> \break
<bes d,> <bes d,> <bes ees,> <bes d,>
<< { \stemDown c,2 <d bes'>4 <ees bes'> } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp g (a) } >>
<f d'> <f bes> <f a>4. <bes, bes'>8
<< { \voiceTwo bes1 }  \new Voice { \voiceOne  bes'2 (aes!2) } >> \oneVoice \break
<g ees>4 <g ees> <ees c> <ees c>
<< { \stemDown bes2 <ees g>4 <ees bes'> } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp f (aes)} >>
<< { \stemDown aes,4. aes8 <aes' c>4 <aes d> } \\ { \stemUp aes bes } >>
<< { \stemDown ees,2 <ees g>2 } \\ { \stemUp \slurUp ees'4 (bes) } >> \break
<g c,> <aes c,> <bes g,> <des g,,>
<c aes,>2 <bes ees,>4 <bes ees,>
<aes aes,> <aes aes,> <aes bes,>4. <g ees>8
<ees g>1

\score {
\new ChordNames { \acordes }
\new ChordNames { \acordesConCapo }
\context ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff = tope { \tope }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoUno 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoDos 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoTres 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoCuatro 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melodia" \versoCinco 
\new Staff = bajo { \bajo }

\layout {
indent = 0

\context { \ChoirStaff \accepts "Lyrics" }
\context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }
\context { \Lyrics \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #1.5 }
\context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1) }
\context { \ChordNames \override ChordName   #'font-size = #1 }


nombreAcordes= \chordmode {
\override ChordNames.ChordName #'extra-offset = #'(-3 . 0)

posicionesAcordes= \lyricmode {
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;x;o;2;3;2;"} 
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;2-(;4;4;3;2-);"} 
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;o;2;o;2;o;"} 
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"3;2;o;o;3;3;"} 
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;o;2;3;2;3;"} 
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;o;2-(;4;o;2-) 3;"} 
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;4;2;2;2;;"} 
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;2-( 4;4;o;o;2-);"} 
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;2;2;1;o;o;"} 
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;o;2;2;2;o;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;2;2;1;3;o;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"x;x;o;2;1;2;"}
\markup {\fret-diagram-terse #"3;2;2;o;o;o;"}


\markup { \left-align \bold "Acordes Usados" }
\new ChordNames { \nombreAcordes }
\new Lyrics \posicionesAcordes

indent = 0.0\cm
 ragged-right = ##t
\context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }
   \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #2.0


as the second system has all the stems down it shouldn`t cause i specify it stem up

On Dec 17, 2006, at 3:15 PM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

I't much easier for us to realize exactly what you problem is (and for you to write the question) if you include a small example that illustrates the problem.

The macros \voiceOne, \voiceTwo and \oneVoice themselves shouldn't
really have anything to do with the problem. My guess is that you have used the <<{...} \\ {...}>> feature, which creates new Voice
contexts during the polyphony. See "Explicitly instantiating voices"
for an explanation of exactly what is going on. See also the section on "Divisi lyrics" for an example of keeping lyrics together with a voice across a polyphonic section.


Quoting Ezequiel Sierra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

i have voiceOne and voice Two in a staff to make poly so i make them oneVoice but when im adding lyrics the lyrics only goes to voiceOne how can i fix that?

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