On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 03:41:19PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yes, I was thinking \varMyChordLibrary would not be needed in this case, all
> the chords would simply come out of the function each embraced by an IF
> statement to match the input parameter (like a giant CASE selection). 
> Because I know from past experience that a duration number cannot follow a
> variable name to be recognized.  The duration would have to be generated
> along with the music.

indeed, you have to set the duration to each note of the chord one after
the other.

maybe a simple syntax would be:
        \function a4 #'chord_type

then extract both  note duration and pitch from a4 ly:music then use
them for transpose and duration setting.

playing arround with \displayMusic and (display-scheme-music ...) help a
Sebastien Gross

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