Paul, I have now changed this part. What do you think?

( ... )

And last but not least in our little first beginners' chapter, we'll give you the tool for beginning your melodies with an anacrusis, also known as "upbeat" or "pickup". This is the


command. If you need, say, an eight-note anacrusis, you type

\partial 8

For example:



\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4

\partial 8

b8 c4 d e f g a b c

\bar "|."


(insert graphic here)

Just state the rhythmic value you need, including dots:



\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4

\partial 4.

d8 b d  c4 d e f g a b c

\bar "|."


(insert graphic here)

Now consider the following example:



\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4

\partial 16*5

c16 d c b d c4 d e f g a b c

\bar "|."


(insert graphic here)

There is no rhythmic value equivalent to that anacrusis, so we used a formula:

\partial x * y

where "x" stands for a rhythmic value - like "16" for a sixteenth note or "semiquaver" and "y" stands for the quantity of those, like "5" . The sign in between is an asterisk. Thus

\partial 16*5

will give you the preceding example's result. Change the values of this formula to suit your needs. Remember that it doesn't matter how the rhythmic value of the anacrusis is distributed among several notes:

\partial 2

is good for a half note, or two quarter notes, or two eighth notes and a quarter note, or any other combination of rhythmic values adding up to a half note.

Am 27/12/2006 um 19:17 schrieb Paul Scott:

Manuel wrote:
This is to invite criticism for the "anacrusis" part of the chapter, which I added towards the end.


( ... )

As a last thing in our little first beginners' chapter, we'll give you the tool for beginning your melodies with an anacrusis or "upbeat".
or "pickup" (common American name)
This is the


command. If you need, say, a quarter-note anacrusis, you type "quarter note" - "asterisk" - "one" after the commad, in this way:

\partial 4*1
No need for the "*1".  We don't say c4*1 or s4*1.

Paul Scott

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