Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Every time you do \new Lyrics, you 
get a new Lyrics context, which is
placed on a separate line. Just include all your lyrics sections into 
one and
the same Lyrics context if you want them vertically aligned, i.e. 
replace your
current \score block with
 \score {
    \new Staff = "whole" {\new Voice ="a" {\melodya} \new Voice="b" 
{\melodyb} \new Voice="c" {\melodyc} \new Voice="d" {\melodyd}}

    \new Lyrics <<
    \lyricsto "a"   \texta 
    \lyricsto "b"   \textb
    \lyricsto "c"   \textc
    \lyricsto "d"   \textd
     \layout { }



Thank you very much!  It helps me very much to see a working example..

I'm beginning to understand more of the subtleties of this package inch
by inch..


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