Karl Hammar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I understand that you don't understand the text (in swedish)

Jamen jeg forstår svensk

> what was difficult to 
> understand?

I´m a complete beginner in LP and the way I´ve been using it so far has
been just one file and just print one (or two) page(s) of music - no
includes and no piping (or whatever it´s called) between programs. The
way I understood it I was supposed to enter LP code into LaTeX (which
worked as well once I put this file into the right place in the TeXShop
folder) and LP-book is the other way round.

> I use linux

I´m on Mac OSX
> Can you point to something in the manual which is unclear or could be
> phrased better?

I think the reasons are that 1) I´m not a programmer and 2) when I find
something that I don´t understand I have a tendency to just read on and
hope that some day I might understand :) so probably there´s nothing
wrong with the manual! 

I´ll try on and probably get the hang of it ... took me long to get into
the simplest way of using lilypond in the beginning. It´s been just a
few months since I managed to get any output at all.

My new CD "Know Greed":

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