Please send bug reports ot
(I forward your email there).


Roland Goretzki wrote:

Hello list, hello Han-Wen,

thank You for the very fast fixing of the "beam on wrong side".

After installing version 2.10.11 all beams in op 10 No. 1 are correct

Unfortunately I found a new bug, which did still exist in version
2.10.9, but I'd not seen before ...

This bug has to do with the positioning of rests:
If the right hand changes down to the lower system, then rests do appear
UNDER the notes of the left hand.
Overriding rest direction has no effect.

The rest behaviour was correct in version 2.8.8 (and earlier).

A little example is in the attached .ly-file.
There is no converting necessary between 2.8 and 2.10 (only the version
number), so it is very easy to see the problem.

Best Regards           Roland

\version "2.10.11"
\include ""

rechts = \context Staff \relative c'{
\context Voice = "rechts"
 d''16 a f h,
 d a f h,
 \once\override Beam #'positions = #'(10 . 7)
 d \change Staff = down a f h,

links =  \context Staff \relative c{
\context Voice = "links"
 <h, h'>2. \stemDown <h>4

\score {
 \context PianoStaff
   \context Staff = "up" << \clef violin \rechts >>
   \context Staff = "down" << \clef bass \links >>
 \layout {
   ragged-right = ##t
   \context { \PianoStaff \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #9.5 }

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        Signal Processing
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