Improved user interface doesn't just mean GUI.

It can also mean things like simplifying the syntax to
make lilypond files more readible and usable, better
package structures, something better than templates -
style files etc.  I'm talking about something analogous
to the jump from TeX to LaTeX.

I'm very happy for lilypond to remain text based, but
I still believe the user experience could be improved.

Ian H

Manuel wrote:

Am 06/01/2007 um 22:14 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

I totally agree: if Lilypond is to "catch on in a large way" (with the less-geeky public), then the UI has to be vastly improved.

I certainly don't feel the need of a graphic interface. I have recently seen several composers happily pushing those beautiful little buttons to input their music, with and without midi-keyboards, only to find afterwards that they needed much more time to "finish" their score by doing ridiculous things like erasing empty measures, for instance. And of course, we can type in our music much faster.

Otherwise, I agree with Kieren.


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