In your example, you had forgotten to name the Voice context. Just replace the
first line by
Voice = \new Voice = notes { c4 d8 d e4~ e }
and it seems to work as desired.

Another approach is to use the alignAboveContext property:
\score {

\new Staff = myStave \relative c'{


\new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext = myStave } { \set associatedVoice = "notes" \Words } % above

\new Lyrics { \set associatedVoice = "notes" \Words } % below

Finally, I noticed that you didn't use the support for hyphens in lyrics. Try
Words = \lyricmode { This4 does8 --  n't work4 __  " "}
to get a nicer result.


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
I enter lyrics not using \addlyrics or \lyricsto because my music is too rhythmically complex. I use \set AssociatedVoice in the Lyrics context to control melismata - thus LyricExtender and LyricHyphen objects.

Problem: If I want to print the lyrics above the notes, the extenders don't print - presumably because the named AssociatedVoice context doesn't exist at the time when the lyrics are printed.

I can print the Lyrics below the text and then use an #'extra-offset but it seems clumsy.

Suggestions please?! See attached file - comment in/ out "above" and "below".

Many thanks,


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