Brett Duncan wrote:


\version "2.10.12"
#(set-global-staff-size 17)

\header {
title = \markup \center-align \italic { "Sonata 1ma a Violino Solo senza Basso di J. S. Bach"}

\include ""

voiceFive = { \voiceOne \shiftOnn }

melody = \new Staff  {
   \time 4/4
   \key d \minor
   \clef treble
   \relative c' {              \voiceOne
           \new Voice="3" { \voiceThree b'4}
There's no point in naming the contexts here. You could save some
typing by simply saying
\new Voice { \voiceThree b'4}

For the beam slant, it's tedious but possible to manually specify the position of the end points of the beam, see the example called in the Tips and Tricks


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