The easiest solution is to exploit the clever trick provided  in
Then, there is no need to keep both ends of a tie in the same Voice
context. You should also read the section on "Explicitly instantiating
voices" to understand why the slurs didn't work when you used the
<< ... \\ ... >> construct. Here's one version of your code that hopefully
is closer to what you wanted.

Notice that there's no need to use a \book block in your file (unless you
want more than a single output PDF file from the same input .ly file,
in which case you should have one \book block for each output PDF).
Following your .jpg example, I also added a \stemDown.

%%%%%%%%%%%% begin snippet %%%%%%%%%

%Section test
\version ""
\include ""
\header {
   instrument = "Piano"

%Right hand
pianoRH = \context Voice = "one"
         \clef treble
        \time 3/2
        \tempo 4=112
%Measure 5
         \time 4/4 \stemDown
         \change Staff = "bass"
         b,16\mf( fs b d'
         \change Staff = "treble"
         fs'16\< b' d'' fs''\!)~
         \new Voice {fs'' r8. }
         \change Staff = "bass"
         {g16( b d' g'}
         \change Staff = "treble"
         b'16 d'' g'' b'') |

%Left hand
pianoLH = \context Voice = "three"
         \clef bass
%Measure 5
        s1 |

\layout {
 \context {
   \consists "Tie_engraver"
 \context {
   \remove "Tie_engraver"
\score {
     \context PianoStaff <<
     \context Staff = "treble" <<
     \context Staff = "bass" <<


Palmer, Ralph wrote:
My apologies. I have tried to recall the first version of this message,
due to a misstatement. I'm trying (right now) to reproduce only the
piano part (i.e., the bottom two staves) in the measure in the attached

+++++++++ original message ++++++++++

Greetings -

I'm getting better at this, and LilyPond is becoming more clear all the
time. Thank you for your hard work and your help.

I still run into difficulties - here's my latest.

I'm trying to reproduce the measure in the attached <slur problem.jpg>.
Here's my best effort so far. Can anyone point me in the right, or at
least a good, direction?

Thank you for your time and help,

Ralph Palmer
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

%%%%%%%%%%%% begin snippet %%%%%%%%%

%Section test
\version ""
\include ""
\header {
        instrument = "Piano"

%Right hand
pianoRH = \context Voice = "one" {
          \clef treble
             \time 3/2
             \tempo 4=112
%Measure 5
          \time 4/4
          \change Staff = "bass"
          b16\mf( fs b d'
          \change Staff = "treble"
fs'16\< b' d'' fs''\!)~ <<
          {fs'' r8. } \\
          \change Staff = "bass"
          {g16( b d' g'}
          \change Staff = "treble"
          b'16 d'' g'' b'') |

%Left hand
pianoLH = \context Voice = "three"
          \clef bass
%Measure 5
         s1 |

\book {
      \score {
      \context PianoStaff <<
      \context Staff = "treble" <<
      \context Staff = "bass" <<

%%%%%%%%%%% end snippet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%


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