On 1/23/07, v!ctor [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I suppose you thought of just changing the size of the black diamond, like
%%% BEGIN %%%

  %\version "2.11.7"

  \layout { ragged-right = ##t }

  \new Staff {
    \override NoteHead #'font-size = #3
    \once \override NoteHead #'style = #'harmonic
    \override NoteHead #'font-size = #6
    \once \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(mi mi mi mi mi mi mi)

  %%% END %%%

Obviously, the shape is still not the same although the sizes now match. You
can also try something like this, although it might seem a bit too hacky:
%%% BEGIN %%%

%\version "2.11.7"

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

\new Staff {
  \override NoteHead #'font-size = #3
  \once \override NoteHead #'style = #'harmonic
    \once \override NoteHead  #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
    \once \override NoteHead #'text = #(markup   #:combine  #:musicglyph "
noteheads.s0harmonic" #:fontsize 2 #:musicglyph "noteheads.s2neomensural")

%%% END %%%

Notice how, while the diamonds are now identical in shape, the stem of the
black diamond does not reach its correct position. Not sure exactly why, but
I guess you would have to make a \once tweak of this too.

Let me know if you find a better way.

Hi Victor,

As it turns out, Max opened up FontForge and made the new glyph this
week. It works great so long as you have Max's new font folder, so I'm
urging him to mail -devel for inclusion in the standard distribution.

(And stem alignment does work correctly with Max's new glyph, too.)

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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