Mats Bengtsson <mats.bengtsson <at>> writes:

> One possible trick is to move the mark engraver from the score level to each
> stave and then include the ordinary rehearsal marks as well as the 
> fermata above
> the system only in the top stave of the score and the downwards fermata 
> only in
> the bottom stave of the score. Example:

Terrific! Thanks so much, and thanks for the very clear example.  It took me a 
while, but once I noticed the second \override was on Staff.RehearsalMark 
things went along much faster.  For anyone else reading this I also used: 

\once \override Staff.RehearsalMark #'padding = #-5 

to get the fermata the right distance on the bottom (there are some leger 
lines on that staff and I think that must be what is pushing the fermata down).

Thanks to everyone for your help... I like the final solution - I think it's 
pretty elegant...


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