Surfing around I found two ways to do almost the same thing : display a
complex dynamics mark, like a Piano Subito.

In each I found something satisfying and another annoying

psubito = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 5 0)
#:line( #:dynamic "p" #:text #:italic "subito" )))

+ the result IS a dynamic mark and can be used as one
- the subito is written bold... and in every sheets I have, it is never bold

psubito = \markup {\dynamic "p" \italic "subito" }

+ the subito, and the P looks nice together
- this is not a dynamics but a \markup... and so, requires a ^ or _ sign

Does anybody know a trick to un-bold the "subito" in the first solution,
since I find much more elegant the solution where we have a dynamic instead
of a markup ?

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