On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 06:21:53PM -0700, Steve D wrote:
>     Issue 3:
> I tried to manually configure the ties between the second and third
> chords using--
> <ees g c>8~ \once \override Score.TieColumn #'tie-configuration =
> #'( (4 . 1) #t ) <ees aes c>4
> --However, as is illustrated in Figure 3 (attached PNG image), although
> the top tie was correctly formatted, the lower tie, which is supposed to
> be beween the lowest notes of the 3-note chords, was misplaced for some
> reason by LilyPond. Notice that instead of "TieColumn" I had to use
> "Score.TieColumn" because the Tie_engraver is now in the Staff rather
> than Voice context, and a simple "TieColumn" had no effect whatsoever.

I should have tried "Staff.TieColumn" instead of "Score.TieColumn" -- So
I did try both, but the effect (as in Figure 3 of my previous message)
was the same regardless of which (Staff... or Score...) was used.

Steve D
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his
government.  -Edward Abbey

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