On 1/23/07 9:42 PM, "Ted Walther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I put orientation = "landscape" in my \paper { } section, but lilypond
> is ignoring it when it makes the Postscript and PDF files.  What am I
> doing wrong?
> Here is the minimal example as requested:
> %%% start of example
> \version "2.10.11"
> \paper { orientation = "landscape" }
> soprano = \relative g' {
> r2 cis | fis4. e8 cis4 cis | fis,4. gis8 a4 a | e'4. fis8 dis4
> cis | cis1 | r2 cis | a4. gis8 fis4 a | cis2 cis4 cis | b4. a8
> gis4 a8[ b] | cis2. fis8[ e] | fis4. e8 cis4 cis | fis,4. gis8
> a4 a | e'4. fis8 dis4 cis | cis1 \bar "|."
> }
> \score {
>    \new Staff << \key fis \minor \soprano >>
>    \layout { }
> }
> %%% end of example
> Ted
Hi Ted,
    I just checked the docs and it suggests that you set this in statement
that selects the paper size:

#(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'landscape)

I checked this and it worked here in 2.11.8

Walter Hofmeister

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