I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is a design flaw or user
ignorance. Probably the latter because I just started using LP
yesterday. But I haven't been able to find an example or explanation
in the user guide to help me with this.

Here's my question: In the presence of "\repeat volta", how do I get
the chord symbols placed properly on a lead sheet?

The problem I'm having is that the chord symbols are placed above the
lines that delineate the first and second endings. The chord symbols
should be below those lines.

Below is one example input file. The chords don't reflect the repeat
properly, but that's immaterial and relatively easy for me to fix. The
issue is the placement of the chord symbols above the lines that
delineate first and second endings.

As I said, this is probably user error. But lead sheets are a common
thing and it seems like a documentation bug that there is no example
and no discussion of how to do this.

If anyone can show me the right way, I'll be very grateful! Thanks in

        -- Robert Kennedy

  title = "Bouncing with Bud (Bebop in Pastel)"
  composer = "Earl Rudolph \"Bud\" Powell"

harmonies = \chordmode {
  bes1:maj bes1:maj b1:maj b1:maj
  bes2:maj c:m7 d:m7 ees:dim7

melody = \relative {
  \key bes \major
  \repeat volta 2 { r8 f bes[ f'~] f4. f,8 bes f'8~ f2 r4 r8 f,8 b[ f'~] f4. 
f,8 }
                  \alternative { { b8 f'~ f2 r4 } { b,8 f'~ f2 r8 ees8 } }
  { | \mark \markup {\box "A1"} d c bes a c bes a g f d ees ges~ ges4 f8 ees d 
c f b, r4. }

  \new ChordNames {
    \set chordChanges = ##t

\version "2.10.14"

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