Dear Mats,
I'm using 2.10.12 for Mac OSX.
Please find attached .ly file and PDF (in case your Lilypond does something 
different.) The "problem" only occurs in tuplets where the first note is 
shorter than the second and with values of #'shortest-duration-space less than 
1.1 (the TupletBracket doesn't print).

I'll experiment with the minimum-length property you mention.

Many thanks,


----- Original Message ----
From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 30 January, 2007 9:00:30 PM
Subject: Re: TupletBracket behaviour

I've never seen this happen and I couldn't construct an
example myself where it happened. I hope you are aware
of the fact that no tuplet bracket is printed by default if
there's a beam of the same length, but from your description
it seems fairly clear that this is not the problem here.

If you can make up a small example that illustrates the problem,
it will be much easier to figure out a solution. There is a property
minimum-length that's listed if you click on the spanner-interface
link but it doesn't seem to work for TupletBracket objects.


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:

> When the size of a TupletBracket gets too small, it disappears leaving 
> just the TupletNumber. While I can see that this might be attractive 
> in some circumstances I would like to switch it off (so the 
> TupletBracket always prints.) Is there a way to do this? At the 
> moment, I'm putting small increases in horizontal spacing into my 
> score each time this happens, but this is very fiddly. There must be a 
> neater way.
> I've searched through the properties for TupletBracket but am honestly 
> a bit lost.
> Many thanks,
> Vivian.
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    Mats Bengtsson
    Signal Processing
    Signals, Sensors and Systems
    Royal Institute of Technology
    SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
    Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                
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Attachment: TupletBracket.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Binary data

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