Hi at all,

(using version 2.10.14)

make-dynamic-script is a nice feature, but there seems to be a bug, from
which I don't know, wether it is a lilypond bug or a font bug or
something like that:

If You have a crescendoText and then an own dynamic with normal text,
the dynamic will not align exactly with the crescendoText.

To make it more complicated, there is not the same behaviour
for all characters!

In the following I've listed the lower case characters, which show a
different behaviour (
  1. with "?" they are aligned about .4 or .5 staff spaces
     too high,
  2. with "." they are aligned about .1 or .2 staff spaces too low,
  3. and the one with "-" [t] is aligned about only .1 or .2 staff
     spaces too high,
whereas all upper cases seem to align wrong in the same way,
about .1 or .2 staff spaces too low.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
? . ? . ? . ? . . . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ?

And to make it much more complicated (and this might be the reason, why
this bug is difficult to find), the much too high aligning lower cases
(acegmnopqrsuvwxyz) show this behaviour only then, if there is now
character together with them, which aligns a bit too low (bdfhijkl), in
which case all is only aligned a bit too low and not so easy to see.

In the attached minimal example file there is the new own dynamic "aa",
which aligns obviously too high, and removing it with ab, You can hardly
see the little bit too low aligning ...

I would like to read some comments to this.

Best Regards           Roland
\version "2.10.14" % on debian sarge 3.1

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

aa = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line(#:normal-text #:italic "aa")))

\relative c''{
  \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #7

  \set crescendoText = \markup { \italic \raise #-.5 "p" \hspace #1.5 }
  c4 \< c \! c-\aa
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