On Thu, 8 Feb 2007 11:53:25 -0600, Trevor Bača wrote:

> That's it: NO special input blocks of *any* sort -- no \layout, no
> \paper, no \midi, no \settings, no nothing. Nada. Not even any
> top-level Scheme commands. This would in many ways be a *super* clean
> way of organizing both music content and settigs of all sorts. Every
> setting that exists would go into the \with-block of an actual piece
> of real input -- File, Book, Score, Staff, Voice, right on down the
> hierarchy.

> * Provides absolutely unambiguous definition for what an input file
> actually *is*: "A Lily input file comprises exactly one File block,
> which comprises one to many Book blocks, each of which comprise one to
> many Score blocks, each of which comprises exactly one music
> expression. Settings for all blocks live in the special \with
> construct." Period.
> Wow. I really like this. Anyone else?

This is brilliant. Makes perfect sense to me, and the explain-ability and 
document-ability is far better than for \paper and \layout.

Whether it's easy to implement, I'm not qualified to say.

Thanks Trevor!


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