Hi all,

This is really about three issues, but they're related, so bear with me

1. There seems to have been a decision made at some point to merge
note heads in some cases (see collision-head-chords.ly in the
regression tests and the second chord in the example code below). I
personally find this ugly and cannot find an example in my library of
published music where an engraver has taken this same decision. I
prefer the forked stem solution - see the attached picture. I would be
interested in others' opinions on this, and advice as to any possible

2. Forcing the display of all accidentals with ! demonstrates a
collision bug - perhaps forced accidentals are bypassing the accidental
collision code?

3. These points are both related to a feature request for a new
accidental style which is common in quite a lot of contemporary music.
That is, accidentals, including naturals, before _every_ note,
excepting immediate repetitions. 

I see some of these things have been discussed previously, but no
conclusions reached...



\version "2.10.13"

melody = {
    \clef treble
    <f'! fis'!>4 <f'! fis'! g'!>4 

\score {
    \new Staff {
    \layout { ragged-right = ##t }

Mark Knoop

Attachment: forked-stem.png
Description: PNG image

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