Dr. Johannes Zellner <johannes <at> zellner.org> writes:

> Hello,
> How can I remove the time signature? -- I googled and found
>     \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
> which works but leaves some space for the 'transparent' time signature.
> So: how can I completely remove the time signature?

>From the lilypond online documentation, I went to the index and looked up 
Time Signature.

A reference on that page points me to the TimeSignature object in the 
program reference.  Following that link, I get a list of properties that 
can be adjusted.  One of them is break-visibility, which seems like it 
might apply, because I want to make it invisible.

Links on this page point to various interfaces used by TimeSignature.  One 
is item interface, which discusses how break-visibility can be used to make 
the time signature show up at the end of a line, at the beginning of a line, 
or never.

A second link on the time signature page points me to the grob-interface, 
which contains the stencil property that describes the item to print.

Recent discussions on making accidentals invisible show how to use
and  stencil
to keep from printing accidentals.  Both of these could be used to prevent 
time signatures from printing by applying them to TimeSignature instead of 
to Accidental.  I prefer to use the break-visibility override instead of 
the stencil override, because I think it is the more logical property to 
make things invisible.

Also, from the TimeSignature page in the program reference, we see a link to
Time_signature_engraver.  There we learn that Time_signature_engraver is part
of a Staff context.  This leads to the following code:

%%% BEGIN %%%

\version "2.10.5"

\new Staff {
  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #all-invisible
  \time 3/4

%%% END %%%

which works -- the time signatures are all removed, and no space for them is

Carl Sorensen


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