Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Pedro Rebelo escreveu:
Preprocessing graphical objects...No fonts found; this probably means
that the fontconfig
library is not correctly configured. You may need to
edit the fonts.conf configuration file. More information
about fontconfig can be found in the fontconfig(3) manual
page and on http://fontconfig.org

any hints on how to go about fixing this?

Pedro, if you're on OSX or linux, try deleting your
directories/files, then running lilypond again. I saw this same problem, and this fixed it for me.

can you pinpoint the exact version that stopped working? (.16 is unlikely. We did change Fontconfig in 2.10.17)

I saw this when I first ran 2.11.19. I can't remember if I actually ran 2.11.18 or not; sorry. Since I've done a lot of playing around with fink, fonts, inkscape, all without knowing what I was doing, I thought it was a one-off problem with my system.

- Graham

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