Hi Paul,

before an "official" solution is found maybe something like the code
below is a bit closer to what you have in mind. It is based on the
definition of \slashSeparator in ly/titling-init.ly, but the result is
still a bit ugly and not precisely what you want because the 'flat ends'
of the slashes are on the left and right, not top and bottom edges. I am
not sure if there is a command to reflect the slashes along some axis,
which would yield a better result.

But maybe it's of some use anyway. You can play around with the slope,
width and thickness settings of the slashes to fit your needs. Note that
if you change the slope you will have to adjust the width as well in
order to approximately preserve the length (I admit that it's not a nice
hack, and quite an ad hoc one, too ;)).


%%% BEGIN %%%

\layout {
  ragged-right = ##t

\relative c'' {
  \override BreathingSign  #'text =
        \markup {
          \translate #(cons 0 -1) {
            \beam #0.8 #2.0 #0.25
            \translate #(cons -0.85 0)
            \beam #0.8 #2.0 #0.25

  c1~ | c8 r r4 \breathe c d

%%% END %%%

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