If the first line is aligned OK, but you don't like the way the second line is compressed, you can fix that easily by adding:

\layout {
                ragged-right = ##f
                ragged-last = ##f

at the end of \score between the >> and the final } This will allow all lines to be expanded the way the first line was.

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On Mar 14, 2007, at 7:17 AM, Geoff Horton wrote:

I've got some problems with the lyrics of an gregorian chant piece. The
text doesn't fit under the notes correctly. What have I done wrong or
what can I do to correct it?

According to this:
http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.10/Documentation/user/lilypond/ Ligatures#Ligatures
"lyrics do not correctly align with ligatures."

Gregorian support in LilyPond is still not complete.


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