Arjan Bos wrote:
In the following snippet, the \markup is to far from the system.

%% -- snip
\version "2.10.20"

%% uncommenting the next line will result in an error.
%%\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #0.1
This line has to be inserted together with the notes. However, see below.
\markup{\small 5. Variation (freier Anschlag)}
Using \markup at the top-level of the file, like this, results in a separate
piece of text, typeset before the score. Such stand-alone markups can
for example be used to insert additional verses below a hymn or any other
section of text. The positioning of this text relative to the score below is
handled exactly the same way as if you had had two separate scores
following each other in the same file.
\score { d''4 }

%% -- snip

However, if I want to override either the padding or the staff-padding, lilypond tells me that the \override is unexpected. So how do I move down the markup?

I would either use the ordinary titling mechanism (\header{...} ) here or used a text mark. In the latter case, the position of the mark will be related to a specific place in the score. For example, to place it (horizontally) before the first note of
the piece, you can use

 { \mark \markup {\small 5. Variation (freier Anschlag)} d''4 }

If you try this example, you will notice that the horizontal position of the text will be
centered, so you have to tell LilyPond to make it left aligned instead:
 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
 \mark \markup {\small 5. Variation (freier Anschlag)}

I recommend you to read "How LilyPond files work", "Score is a single
musical expression" and "File structure", to get a better grasp of the overall
syntax used in LilyPond.


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