On 3/16/07, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please remind us about what operating system you use and which
LilyPond version. At least on Linux and Windows, I certainly get
lots of fonts that lists Italic as one of the available styles.
At the end of the list, you also get information on where LilyPond
looks for fonts, in the lines with
Config files: ...
Config dir: ...
Font dir: ...

Ah yes: MacOS X 10.4.8 with 2.11.20.

This information could provide you some hints on why you don't
get the fonts you expect.

If you are on MacOS, then there seems to be some font-related bug
in the latest releases, which may provide some explanation.


If it helps, the output of -dshow-available-fonts is long, but here's
the big that references Times:

< snip >
family Warnock Pro SmBd
Warnock Pro SmBd,Warnock Pro:style=Italic,Semibold Italic
family STSong
family Times
normale,Normaal,Normal,Común,Almindelig,Vanlig tekst,Normaali
family Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std W8
< snip >

... and only Regular is available, which is the case with *almost* all
of the fonts in the output listing.

And here's the very end of the output list, which shows directories
hunted for configuration:

< snip >
family Savoye LET
Savoye LET:style=Plain
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config files: 
Config dir: /usr/share/fonts
Config dir: /Library/Fonts
Config dir: /System/Library/Fonts
Config dir: /Users/trevorbaca/.fonts
Font dir: /usr/share/fonts
Font dir: /Library/Fonts
Font dir: /System/Library/Fonts
Font dir: /Users/trevorbaca/.fonts
< end >

Unfortunately I just don't know much of anything, really, about font
management on my operating system; it's just a shielded resource in
most applications other that Lily.

Does anyone see an obviously missing directory in the above output
that would explain why I'm getting mostly regular style fonts instead
of italic and bold?


Trevor Bača wrote:
> Hi,
> When I do ...
>  -dshow-available-fonts
> ... a lot of stuff comes back. But very, very few of the fonts listed
> have a style of Italic, even when I know for a fact that the Italic
> face is intalled on my machine.
> (If I go into InDesign it's clear that "Times" and "Times Italic" are
> both available, for example.)
> So what's going on? Does Pango only install style=Regular of most
> fonts by default? How can I get either Pango or Lily to acknowledge
> Times Italic and make the font available?
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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

Trevor Bača
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