Graham and Joe,
Thanks for your responses. It turns out that switching back to 2.10 did the trick. Thanks for the help!

Joe Neeman wrote:
On Sunday 18 March 2007 14:31, jim altieri wrote:
  I'm going a little batty trying to fine-tune the vertical spacing on
my score.  It's too complex to include here, but suffice to say, when I
typeset the file, I get the following warning:
    warning: Can't fit systems on page -- ignoring between-system-padding
  What is the code equivalent of, "Please, LilyPond, stop ignoring me?"

In this case, there isn't one. The problem is that, in order to work out where to put page breaks, LilyPond estimates the height of each system. If it consistently underestimates the height, it might choose a page breaking configuration where the systems don't actually fit on the page. When it comes time to actually produce the pages, LilyPond realises that they don't fit and it ignores between-system-padding as a workaround (rather than having the systems run off the bottom of the page).

There are a few things you can do:
1) Add "annotate-spacing = ##t" to your paper block. Compare Y-extent and Y-extent-estimate on the output. If you notice that the estimates are bad, send a bug report. 2) Set page-breaking-between-system-padding in the paper block to something larger than between-system-padding. This will trick the page breaker into thinking that you want more padding than you really do. As a result, it will put fewer systems on each page. 3) Set system-count to the number of systems you want. This currently bypasses all the height-estimation stuff. 4) Try 2.11.21 when it comes out; there is at least one issue that was fixed recently. 5) Use 2.10 instead of 2.11, where things like this are less likely to come up.


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