There's no builtin support to do it, but the following example illustrates how to
fool LilyPond into doing it.

\version "2.10.20"

% Replace brace150 by whatever between brace0 and brace575 that is of a
% suitable size.
leftbrace = \markup {\override #'(font-encoding . fetaBraces) \lookup #"brace200" }

% In spite of what it says in the manual, the argument to \rotate is
% currently specified in radians. Note that this may change to degrees
% in future versions.
rightbrace = \markup {\rotate #3.14 \leftbrace }

lyricsbeforebrace = \lyricmode {Here is some ly -- rics }

lyricsfrombrace = \lyricmode { \markup{\rightbrace Here} comes some more }

melody = \relative c'{ c d e f g f e d c e d f g }

 \new Voice = m \melody
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto m \lyricsbeforebrace
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto m { \lyricsbeforebrace \lyricsfrombrace }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto m \lyricsbeforebrace


Susan G. Kleinmann wrote:
Is there a way to insert a vertical curly brace in lyrics, in a case
where a group of stanzas has a common ending, e.g.:

    lyrics for one stanza         |
    lyrics for another stanza     |
    lyrics for yet another stanza |  common ending
    lyrics for yet another stanza |

Big vertical brace goes here---| Optimally, -- the vertical brace would be long enough to span all (or at least
   a specified set of) preceding stanzas; and
-- the common ending could be vertically centered relative to the group
   of stanzas.


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
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