Adam Monsen wrote:
Mats Bengtsson <mats.bengtsson <at>> writes:
How about the following:

Hey, now that is RAD! Thank you. It's looking very good and is almost perfect.

I have already received more help than I dreamed possible and am really enjoying
the beautifully engraved music! I can't wait to share this with friends.

1. Any way to keep the first line of stanzas from indenting? (see FIXMEs below)

What happens is that the \mark allocates extra horizontal space (which is strange since it doesn't do that when there is any ordinary stave in the score). One solution
is to replace the line
\override RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
\override RehearsalMark #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0)

2. any way to just print the word "CHORUS" for the 2nd and 3rd repetitions of
the chorus lyrics/music and *not* engrave the lyrics/music? The mark seems to
not work properly unless there are lyrics & music to be engraved directly
under/after the mark. (again, see FIXMEs)
One ugly workaround is to add a \skip between the two \mark commands.
Of course, then you have to add the corresponding \skip in the chords.

Another workaround is to use a two-line \mark, using text markup commands.
For some silly reasons, you need to do it like
 \break \notemode {\mark \markup {\column{"CHORUS" "VERSE 3" }}}
and you also have to add a setting
     \override RehearsalMark #'baseline-skip = #'5
in the \layout{...\context{\Score ... } } (e.g. directly below the other
\override RehearsalMark ...).


Latest engraved music...

Latest source code...

\version "2.10.13"

\header {
  title = "Grandma's Feather Bed"
  % I decided it looks better without the meter
  %meter = "Quick Old-Timey"

harmonies = \chordmode {
  % these look great and are perfectly lined up!
  % TODO: learn how to use substitution or something to
  % avoid having to type out repeated phrases.
  d g d a:7
  d g a:7 d
  d g d a:7
  d g a:7 d
  d g
  d g/a
  d g

text = \lyricmode {
  \mark "VERSE 1"
  % FIXME this line is indented, but I would like it left-aligned
  "When I was a" "little bitty boy"
  "just up off the" floor
  "We used to go down to" "grandma's house"
  "every month end or" so
  "We'd eat chicken pie and-a" "country ham and-a"
  "homemade butter on" bread
  "But the best darn thing about" "grandma's house was the"
  "great big" "feather bed"

  \break \mark "CHORUS"
  % FIXME this line is indented, but I would like it left-aligned
  "More words" "go here"

  \break \mark "VERSE 2"
  % FIXME this line is indented, but I would like it left-aligned
  "Another verse" here

  \break \mark "CHORUS"

  % FIXME this mark gets "junked" and isn't engraved
  \break \mark "VERSE 3"
  % FIXME this line is indented, but I would like it left-aligned
  "Another verse" here

  % FIXME this mark isn't engraved
  \break \mark "CHORUS"

\score {
  \new ChordNames {
    \set chordChanges = ##t
  \new Lyrics \text
  \layout {
    indent = 0
    ragged-right = ##t
      \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
      \remove Bar_number_engraver
      \override RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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