Hi. I have a composition made of one fragment per each measure. However,
 it becomes very complex to read when one has so many in the \score
To avoid this, I'd like to group several small fragments into bigger
ones, thus like this:

fragA = <<
           \relative fa
         {<si do mi> <si do mi> <la do mi> <la do mi>} \\
fragB = <<
           \relative fa
         {<si do mi> <si do mi> <la do mi> <la do mi>} \\

Bigfrag = fragA + fragB

QUESTION: Is there any way to do this in lilypond? I don't want to
change the fragments, only to group them as I want.
Also, since I have listening to some midi files, I've found some
discrepancies in regard of the note durations in the lilypond mid output.
QUESTION: How precise is the midi output of lilypond in terms of note

Thanks a lot!

Jesús Guillermo Andrade (Att.)
Litigation Attorney - Arbitrator
Andrade & Moreno S.C. (https://amlegal.wordpress.com/)

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