On Tue, 10 Apr 2007 11:35:32 -0400, Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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Christopher A. LaFond wrote:
I have a score with the soprano lyrics above the top staff, and the
ending has a one-measure alternative. But the volta lines are pushing
the soprano lyrics up near the previous system, so far that at first I
thought that they had disappeared and had to search for them.

Does anyone know how to get lyrics above the staff below the volta

My guess is that it would be the same as putting the chord names under
the volta brackets.  See the last item in "Tips and Trick" or Google for
"lilypond volta chord name"

Paul Scott

Thanks Paul. I found that thread just after I wrote and it worked for me. But I can't figure out why the soprano lyrics on that line are printing slightly higher above the staff in the system above it. Luckily, it is the last system of my piece, and there are only two systems on the last page, so there is room on the last page to move the last system down far enough to get the volta brackets easily above the soprano lyrics.
Chris    °

Christopher A. LaFond  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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