To be short:
    measures 2 and 4 should be identical, shouldn't they?
    (i mean "11" in 2nd should be positioned like "1" in 4th,
    with the same staff-padding)

    But they are not.

    Probably, it should be so -- but I don't know why, that's why i'm


On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 10:40:48AM +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> I don't follow exactly what you try to do. However, the vertical position is
> determined based on one of a number of different rules, depending on which
> one sets the strictest limits. In your case,
> - The staff-padding detemines the minimum distance to the stave.
> - The padding determines the minimum distance to the closest
>  object (stem or stave or note head or whatever). In your particular
>  example the stem is the closest object.
I asked to put using
        \override TextScript #'padding = #-7

so.. So, all markups shall be positioned like in the 1st staff, i thought.

> - The slur-padding determines the minimum distance to the slur,
>  if the text script extends above the slur. In your example, the difference
>  between "1" and "11" is that LilyPond thinks that the former is only
>  above the stem, not the slur, whereas "11" extends so far to the right
>  that it's considered to be above the slur.
Thanks, more clear now :-)

But after \once \override TextScript #'slur-padding = #-7 i expected to
have the same resut, as in measures 1 and 4.

> If you want a fixed distance to the stave, just set a large enough value
> of staff-padding, so that this setting dominates the other ones.
Now, i dont want "large enough value" :-)

That's why i asked to \override TextScript #'padding = #-7

> Also, instead of using the extra-offset to change the horizontal position,
> you may want to set
>       \override TextScript #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
> As you will notice, this setting changes many of your conclusions, for 
> example
> since LilyPond will no longer think that any of the text scripts is 
> above any slur.
Thank you.
Probably, i need self-alignment-X and a little extra-offset really.

But it doesn't answer my question, i guess :-)

It was: why #'slur-padding = #-7 don't play, and why... Ok, second "why" is
unclean for me :-)

Why second "1" is above slur even if it had been shifted by extra-offset.

Ok, I'm too new to LilyPond, surely.

> I recommend you to remove all your other \override:s as a starting point.
> Note also, that your score will look different if you upgrade to the latest
> development version (or when you upgrade to version 2.12 when it will
> be released some time in the future).
>   /Mats
> Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >
> >   I found that TextScript requires some extra-offset when set above
> >   slurred note AND has more than one symbol. Just take a look:
> >
> >% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >%
> >%
> >%
> >\version "2.10.20"
> >
> >
> >soprano = \relative c'' {
> >        %
> >        \voiceOne
> >        %
> >        % Text would be 7 units below it's original position...
> >        \override TextScript #'padding = #-7
> >        %
> >        % ... but this padding forces the same position
> >        % for all TextScripts above Staff:
> >        \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #1.0
> >        %
> >        % Shift them a bit left:
> >        \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-3.0 . 0)
> >        %
> >        %
> >        % Markup (two symbols -- no slur) -- no problem,
> >        % as expected:
> >        e4 f ^ \markup { \bold 11 }
> >                g a
> >        %
> >        % Two symbols, slurred note -- 'staff-padding is "ignored":
> >        e4 f( ^ \markup { \bold 11 }
> >                g a)
> >        %
> >        \break
> >        %
> >        % Well, 'slur-padding is ignored too?
> >        \once \override TextScript #'slur-padding = #-7
> >        %
> >        e4 f( ^ \markup { \bold 11 }
> >                g a)
> >        %
> >        % But _one symbol_ markup _with slur_ is great,
> >        % with no 'slur-padding :
> >        e4 f( ^ \markup { \bold 1 }
> >                g a)
> >        %
> >}
> > 
> >{ \soprano }
> >        
> >
> >\paper {
> >        indent = 0
> >}
> >% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >    Very probably, I have missed something important -- please, tell me.
> >
> >    And, btw, is there other way to get all TextScripts positioned at the
> >    same distance from staff?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >  
> -- 
> =============================================
>       Mats Bengtsson
>       Signal Processing
>       Signals, Sensors and Systems
>       Royal Institute of Technology
>       SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>       Sweden
>       Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
>        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
>       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       WWW:
> =============================================
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