Please assist Graham, by specifying more exactly where these sentences should
be included into the doc, or even better include them yourself, see


Maximilian Albert wrote:
Sorry! I just realized that for whatever reason I didn't send this
email. Here it is, finally.

Kevin Dalley schrieb:
You also need to describe where to attach the stems.  A few sentences
on this would be nice for the documentation.

Sure. There are two special variables called 'charwx' and 'charwy'.
Lilypond interprets them as the coordinates of the point where the stem
is attached. Note that the stem can be regarded as a (very oblonged)
rectangle with slightly rounded corners. The attachment point of an
upwards pointing stem is the point where the lower right corner would be
if it were pointed rather than rounded (i.e. if the stem were a true
rectangle). For downwards pointing stems, it should be analogous with
the upper right corner (although I'm not 100% sure right now, without
having tried it out).

In case you want different stem attachments for upwards and downwards
pointing stems, you need to define two separate glyphs in the *.mf file
that have the same name but are prefixed by "u" and "d", respectively
(for "up" and "down", obviously). In each of these glyphs you set the
variables charwx and charwy accordingly. If the attachment point is the
same for both directions, you use the prefix "s" (for "symmetric"). For
example, for the "fa" note head in solfa notation, the two names as
given in mf/ are "u0fa" and "d0fa" (here, 0 refers to
the duration of the note).

Hope this makes things a bit clearer.

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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