As you have noticed, there are a few constructs that convert-ly isn't smart enough to handle automatically. These happen for a number of LilyPond versions, but this doesn't mean that convert-ly isn't able to handle any scores that are older than so, it just means that convert-ly fails to handle the small percentage of scores that
happened to use that particular feature.
Also, it's often very easy to do the corresponding changes manually, so there's no reason to dump the file even if convert-ly can't handle all the conversion steps
automatically. The typical procedure is:
1. Figure out from the convert-ly error message at which LilyPond version the
 problem appears, let's say in the conversion to version 2.5.18.
2. Run convert-ly up to the version number before the problem appears:
convert-ly --to=2.5.17
3. Manually update the file and manually update the version number in the file
 by one step (i.e. to 2.5.18 in this case)
4. use convert-ly to upgrade the file to the current version.

Of course, step 3 may require some detective work. The good news is that
many of the more obscure constructs in .ly files that convert-ly can have a
problem with, were originally introduced in order to handle some bug or
shortcoming in that particular LilyPond version and there's a good chance that the lines can simply be removed. Also, if you get stuck figuring out what to do with the file, just send an email to the mailing list and there's a good chance that
someone can assist.


Kieran Coulter wrote:

I was wondering, upon attempting to update .ly scripts from Mutopia that had various original version #s, is there a few version gaps that make .ly files written using a certain version or earlier "obsolete", meaning they can't be updated all the way to the current version?

I noticed one around either 1.5 or 2.5, I forget which, that said "not smart enough to update autobeam settings" or something like that. Anyways, I am just trying to see at what version or earlier a file has to be for me to know that I shouldn't bother working on modifying it if it can't produce an output.

Also, if there is a workaround for this gap, or any other gaps I am not yet aware of, please let me know!



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