At long last Lilypond and TeXShop are working together on my system. The problem solving process was time consuming and difficult. Many thanks to the folks of the TeXShop forum, including one of the program authors, who spent much time and effort helping me.

I shall try to summarize how it was done as best I can. I shall leave any elaborations or corrections to those more knowledgeable.

1.    An engine must be installed. This engine can be found at:

2. The engine should be saved as a text file, and installed in the folder Library/TeXShop/engines

3.    Change the name of the engine to Lilypond-LaTeX.engine
Be sure to eliminate the txt part. Be sure to use the correct capitalization.

4. Put a copy of the latest stable version of the Lilypond application in Applications. To make things easier, do not put it inside a folder, but only inside Applications. Otherwise, you will need to get inside the engine and alter the path, a process which can be messy.

5. Open TeXShop. If it was already open, close it and re-open. Open your source file.

6. In TeXShop, in the pull-down menu, chose the option LaTeX-Lilypond. If this option isn't available, then the engine is not installed where it needs to be, or named properly.

7.    Add the following as the first line of your source file:

%%!TEX TS-program = Lilypond-LaTeX

Be careful to use the correct capitalization. Also, the TeXShop text editor will turn this code red.

8. Be sure that Lilypond is written in lower case in your source file. For instance: \begin {lilypond} and \end {lilypond}

9. Before compiling your source file, make the engine executable. To do this, open the Terminal, and type (This is three different codes, so press "Enter" after each line):

       cd Library/TeXShop/Engines
       chmod 755 Lilypond-LaTeX.engine

10. Compile your source file. If your biorhythms are high today, it should work.

Some Problems I Encountered

Turning the engine source code into a correct engine file was a problem for me. Here is what I did. I copied the code from the web site into Microsoft Word, and saved as Text Only. I was told that this is not a good approach since Word adds garbage code, even to a text-only file. Nevertheless, this was the only option I had available. I shall leave it to others to offer a better approach.

The solution to this problem was to open the Terminal and input the following:

perl -pi -e 'tr/\015/\012/' Lilypond-LaTex.engine

(I'm wondering if the capitalization is incorrect in the code above).

This apparently eliminates the garbage code. I'll leave it those more knowledgeable to explain further what this did.

The Lilypond-LaTex engine should have a blank icon, like the icons for the other engines in the folder.

I hope this helps. Good luck everyone.


If it helps, here is my current TeXShop source file. The output is beautiful, and the time and effort to get this working was well worth it.

%%!TEX TS-program = Lilypond-LaTeX

\documentclass [12pt] {report}

\usepackage {times}
\usepackage [dvips] {graphicx}

\begin {document}

\begin {flushright}
My Name
\end {flushright}

\begin {center}

Brahms: Intermezzo In A Major\\
\emph {Op. 118, No. 2}
\end {center}

\begin {lilypond}

\key a \major \time 3/4

<< { cis''8 fis'' e''4 d'' cis'' b'8 d''8 gis'' fis'' b'4 a'8 cis'' fis'' e'' a' gis'e'' d'' b' gis' cis'' a'' gis''4 fis'' e'' a'8 cis'' e'' d'' cis''4 fis'8 gis' a' fis' eis'4 gis'4. cis''8 } \\ { r4 cis' fis' e' d' r d' cis' r cis' b r4 r4 cis'4 a' gis' fis' r4 e' dis' r4 cis'4 } >>

\bar "||"


In this example, Brahms's personal style of canon writing can be seen. The canon has been extracted from the rest of the texture.

\end {document}

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