Greetings -

Things are moving along for me in LilyPond. "Thank you" to everyone who
works directly on LilyPond and to everyone who posts and/or helps us
solve problems.

I'm running 2.10.16 under Windows XP SP2.

I'm working on a transcription that involves cueing from another
instrument. I tried tags, cueing, and quoting, all unsuccessfully. I
can't figure out from the documentation exactly how any of those
operate. I tried what I thought would work and was unsuccessful. My
backup plan until I can spend more time on the issue is to put in the
cues as normal input, and comment the cues out when I want to produce a
score. That was working smoothly and well until I had a part that began
with a cue in a different clef from the part instrument (cue from a
violin part, into the viola part). When I tried listing the key, the
clef, and the time, and then putting in the cue, the staff took the cue
clef as the initial clef. I have been able to get around that by using a
minimal skip, but it leaves a large amount of space between time
signature and the cue (treble) clef. Please see the following snippet.
Can anyone suggest a fix?

Thanks for your time and attention,

Ralph Palmer
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin snippet

\version "2.10.16"
\include ""

Test = {
        \key d \minor
        \clef alto
        \time 2/2

        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbol =
        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #2.0
        \mark \markup {\teeny \note #"4" #1 \teeny {" = 92 - 100"} }
        \set Score.skipBars = ##f
% ++++++++ cue start
        } \\
        \set fontSize = #-2
        \clef treble
        \once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.5
        d'2*4/5_"Vln" a' |
        f'2 d' |
        cs'2 d'4 e' |
        f'2~ f'8 g' f' e' |
        \clef alto
% ------------- cue end
        \set Score.skipBars = ##t
        \set Score.skipBars = ##f
        a2\mf d'2 |
\score {

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end snippet

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