Greetings all,

I'm working on some music with a number of different verses, each with a different rhythmic structure. I'm using the Devnull trick to get lyrics independent of the printed rhythm (and using the very nice dashed slurs). Unfortunately, it seems that when using Devnull, two interesting things happen.

1) Lyric extenders refuse to display.
2) Lyrics are left-aligned with the nulled notes instead of center/left as appropriate for single notes/melismas.

Is there a way around this? (Setting an \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #0 does not work for the alignment issues.)

Here is a small example that demonstrates both problems.

\version "2.10.23"

\score { <<
  \new Staff {
    \context Voice = "melody" {c' d'( e' f') g'}
  \new Devnull = "alt" {c'2 c'4 c' c'}
\context Lyrics = "main" \lyricsto "melody" \lyricmode {Hel -- lo __ World } \context Lyrics = "diff" \lyricsto "alt" \lyricmode {\override LyricText #'self-

alignment-X = #0 Where __ is my line? }
>> }

Thanks for any help you can share!


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