I'm transposing an orchestral part.  I'm preserving the original cues
etc.  I've set up definitions for different "layers" so that I can leave
the cues at there original pitches when I transpose the instrument
part.  The cues are, of course, in a separate definition block.  The
very first measure is  a vocal cue.  I've had trouble adding the lyrics
(I seldom work with vocal music so it always takes me a few tries to get
it right) but I got it to work in isolation.  Then I tried adding it to
the main file.

Suddenly I was getting segmentation faults.  I tried a minimal example
but the seg fault went away.  I finally found a way to reproduce it.  In
descriptive terms; if I leave out the lyrics for the vocal cue it runs
fine.  If I leave out all subsequent cues it runs fine.  Am I doing
something wrong, or is this  a bug?  Example below:

%%%%%%% Begin LilyPond file %%%%%%%

\version "2.10.10"

cue = {\set fontSize = #-3.5 }

euc = {\unset fontSize }

inv = {
  \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
  \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
  \override Accidental #'transparent = ##t

basstpt = \relative c''{
  \key c \major
  \override Score.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
  \time 4/4
  \override Score.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##f
  \time 12/8
  s4 g8-\f c8. g16 c8 e4 c8 e8. c16 e8
  \time 4/4
  g2-\> ~ g8-\! r r4

que = \relative c'' {
%% Commenting out the block below allows lyrics in the first bar
%% Otherwise: seg fault
      c8 d e f g a b c
%% Commenting out the block above allows lyrics in the first bar
%% Otherwise: seg fault

barOne = \relative c'' {
    \context Voice = "vox" {
      es4 d8 c bes4. g8
      g4 s4*5
%% Commenting out the lyrics allows the later cue to work
%    \addlyrics  { gräss lich sten Schmach sie preis }
      R1 a4\rest s4*5

\score {
  \context Staff <<

%%%%%%% End LilyPond file %%%%%%%


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