Am 2007-05-06 um 14:57 schrieb Henrik Schröder:

my problem is that in the midi, you don't hear notes that are already played by
another voice.

I guess your problem is merely that you don't seperate your voices.

\score {
\new Staff
<< {\relative f' {f4 e d c}} \\ {\relative c' {c1}}>>
\midi {}

I define my voices in separate variables like this:

oberstimme = \relative c' {
        \repeat volta 2 {
                r8 f f f e4 d8 c |
                c( d) d d~ d2 |
                r8 f f f g4 e8( c) |
                c( d) d d~ d2

and use them in different staves:

\score {
        \unfoldRepeats {
                        \context Staff = chords <<
                                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "fx 4 (atmosphere)"
                                \context Voice = chords {
                                        << \dynamics \akkorde >>
                        \context Staff = ober <<
                                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                                \context Voice = ober \oberstimme
                        \context Staff = unter <<
                                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "viola"
                                \context Voice = unter \unterstimme
                \context { \Score
                tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 120 4)

I use the same voice variables in an other \score setup for PDF output, so that I can tweak both outputs separately.

Please find attached my song template (hope it'll come through), maybe it helps.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

\version "2.9.9"
#(ly:set-option (quote no-point-and-click))
%#(set-global-staff-size 18)

	title = ""
	poet = "T: "
	composer = "M: "
%	instrument = "2 voc + git"
	source = ""
	maintainer = "Henning Hraban Ramm"
	maintainerWeb = "";
	lastupdated = "2007-05-05"
	tagline = ""
	copyright = ""

global = {
	\clef treble
	\key a \minor
	\time 4/4

akkorde = \chordmode {

dynamics = \relative c {

oberstimme = \relative c'' {
	\repeat volta 2 {
	\alternative {
		{  }
		{  }

unterstimme = \relative c' {
	\repeat volta 2 {
	\alternative {
		{  }
		{  }

text = \lyricmode {
	%\set stanza = "1. "

% Papier-Ausgabe
\score {
		%\override Score . LyricText #'font-name = #"Gentium"
		%\override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
		%\override Score . LyricText #'text-font-size = 12 % default: 12/20 * staff-size
		%\override Score . BarNumber 
		%    #'break-visibility = #all-invisible
		\context ChordNames {
			%\override ChordNames . ChordName  #'font-name = #"Gentium"
			\set chordChanges = ##t
		\context Staff = Oben <<
			\context Voice = "eins" \oberstimme
		\lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics { \text }
		\context Staff = Unten <<
			\context Voice = "zwei" \unterstimme
	\layout { 
		indent = 0\cm
		%linewidth = 123\mm

\score {
	\unfoldRepeats {
			\context Staff = chords <<
				\set Staff.midiInstrument = "fx 4 (atmosphere)"
				\context Voice = chords {
					<< \dynamics \akkorde >>
			\context Staff = ober <<
				\set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
				\context Voice = ober \oberstimme
			\context Staff = unter <<
				\set Staff.midiInstrument = "viola"
				\context Voice = unter \unterstimme
		\context { \Score
		tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 120 4)

%%% Local Variables:
%%% coding: utf-8
%%% End:

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