Jens Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello Lilypond-users!

I used music-printing with my Windows-sequencing-software since several
years until I "met" Lilypond yesterday.

Wow - I am deeply impressed about this software! I spent several hours
(and a part of the night...) to understand the basics and to print my
first layout.
Printing vocals with chords and lyrics was successful now. ;-)

But I can't find a solution for printing a leadsheet like this:

- chorus (including "\repeat", chords, one line lyrics)
- verse (including chords, 3 lines lyrics for 3 verses)

I had a look at the examples and snippets but I can't find an example
for that. I would suggest that this is no major problem for this great
software, isn't it? ;-)

Do you have any hints or template for me?

Thank you in advance,
kind and musical greetings,


Hi, Jens.

I have been spending the past several months refining leadsheet
templates for creating songbook-quality sheet music.

One of the challenges I have come across, which has less to
do with Lilypond than asthetics, is how to create elegant yet
compact sheets with repeating elements.  One option, which
can be implemented through lilypond, is to try to detail all the
melodic variations from one verse to another in the score.

What I have decided on as an alternate technique is to align the
lyrics of the first verse to the verse's melody, but not align lyrics to
melody for subsequent verses- instead I omit the "lyricsto" 
for the alternate verses and just indicate durations in the lyrics.

I am including an example of one of my own songs that uses
this technique and several other techniques for creating lead sheets.
Other songs I am working on use other techniques, particularly
for including tabs or instrumental licks, and I would be happy
to share one of those with you or anyone if it may be of use.


  Jack Cooper
 \version "2.10.17"
 \include ""

#(set-global-staff-size 17) 

\paper {
  between-system-space = 10\mm
  #(set-paper-size "letter")
%#(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "Times"
%              "Verdana"
%             "FreeMono"
%            (/ 16 20)))

date = #(strftime "    %d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time)))

\header {
       dedication =""
       title = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" ) \fontsize #5 \bold { With My Heart as My Copilot }
       subtitle = ""
       subsubtitle = ""
       poet = ""
       composer = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" )  { Jack Cooper - c. 2001 }
       meter = ""
       opus = ""
       arranger = ""
       instrument = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" )  { Guitar and Voice }
       piece = ""
       breakbefore = ""
       copyright = \markup \override #'(font-name . "Maiandra GD" ) \italic \bold { -- To play the chords shown in the fret diagrams, place capo on second fret -- }
       tagline= "Engraved by Jack Cooper (Berlen Consulting) using Lilypond --"   


bmin    = ^\markup \override #'(size . 1.0) \fret-diagram #"6-x;5-o;4-2;3-2;2-1;1-o;"
gmaj    = ^\markup \override #'(size . 1.0) \fret-diagram #"c:6-1-2;6-o;5-3;4-3;3-2;2-o;1-o;"
amaj    = ^\markup \override #'(size . 1.0) \fret-diagram #"6-3;5-2;4-o;3-o;2-o;1-3;"
dmaj    = ^\markup \override #'(size . 1.0) \fret-diagram #"6-3;5-3;4-2;3-o;2-1;1-o;"
gmajsev = ^\markup \override #'(size . 1.0) \fret-diagram #"6-1;5-3;4-3;3-2;2-1;1-o;"
emaj    = ^\markup \override #'(size . 1.0) \fret-diagram #"6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2;2-3;1-2;"


intro = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0       
r1\bmin | r1\gmaj | r1\bmin | r1\gmaj \bar  "||"

verseone = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
r8\bmin \mark \markup {\smaller \italic \bold {Verse}} d'8 d'16 e'16 fs'16 g'16~ g'16 fs'8 e'16 (d'8) d'8 |
d'8\gmaj d'16 d'16~ d'16 d'8. d'8 e'8 r4 | 
r8\bmin d'8 e'16 fs'8. g'8 fs'8 e'8 d'8 |
d'8\gmaj d'16 d'16~ d'16 a'8. a'16\amaj ( fs'16 e'8) r4 |
r8\bmin d'8 e'16 fs'8. g'8\gmaj fs'16 e'16~ e'8  d'8 |
r8\bmin d'8 e'16 fs'8. g'8\gmaj fs'16 e'16~ e'8 d'8 |
r8\dmaj d'8 e'8 fs'8 g'8 fs'16 e'16~ e'16 d'8 e'16~ | 
e'2\amaj \fatText r4\gmaj \fatText r4\amaj \fatText |

versetwo = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
r8\bmin \mark \markup {\smaller \italic \bold {Verse}} d'8 e'8 fs'8 g'8 fs'8 e'8 d'8 | \break
d'8\gmaj d'16 d'16~ d'8 d'8 d'8 e'8 r4 |
r8\bmin d'8 e'8 fs'8 g'8 fs'8 e'8 d'8 |
d'8\gmaj d'16 d'16~ d'8 a'8 a'8\amaj fs'16 (e'16) r4 |
r8\bmin d'8 e'8 fs'8 g'16\gmaj fs'16~ fs'16 e'16  (d'8) r8 |
r8\bmin d'8 e'8 fs'8 g'8\gmaj fs'16 e'16~ e'8 d'8 |
r8\dmaj d'8 e'8 fs'8 g'8 fs'8 e'8 d'16 e'16~|
e'4\amaj r4 r4 \mark \markup {\smaller \italic \bold {Chorus}} d'8 e'8 \bar  "||"

chorus = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
fs'4\dmaj fs'8 fs'8 fs'4 e'8 d'8| r2 r4 cs'8 d'8 |
e'4\amaj e'8 e'8 e'4 d'8 cs'8 | r2 r8 fs'4 e'16 (d'16) |
d'2\gmaj r8 g'4 fs'16 (e'16) | e'2\amaj r8 d'4 e'8 |
r8\bmin fs'8~ fs'8 (e'16 d'16 e'4\amaj e'8 d'16 cs'16 | 
d'4)\gmaj r4 r4\amaj d'8 e'8 |
fs'4\dmaj fs'16 fs'8. fs'8. (e'16 d'4) | r2 r4 a8 d'8 |
e'4\amaj e'16 e'8. e'8. (d'16 cs'4) | r2 r8 fs'4 e'16 (d'16) |
d'4\gmaj r4 r8 g'4 fs'16 (e'16) | e'2\amaj r8 fs'4 e'16 (d'16) | r8\gmajsev d'4.~ d'2~ |
d'2. r4 |

altone = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0       
r1\bmin | r1\gmaj | r1\bmin | r1\gmaj 

bridge = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
r8\amaj \mark \markup {\smaller \italic \bold {Bridge}} e'8 e'8 e'16 e'16~ e'8 e'8 fs'16 g'8. |
g'8\dmaj (fs'16 e'16) d'4 r2 |
r8\amaj e'16 e'16 e'8 e'8 e'8 e'8 e'8 fs'8 | g'8\gmaj (fs'8) g'4 r2 |
r8\bmin fs'8 fs'16 fs'8. fs'8 fs'16 e'16~ e'8 d'8 |
r8\gmaj g'8 g'16 g'8. g'8 g'16 fs'16~ fs'8 g'8 |
r8\dmaj a'8 a'8 a'16 a'16~ a'8 a'8 a'8 a'16 b'16~|
b'8\amaj a'16 a'16~ a'8 fs'8 a'8 b'8( b'16 a'16 fs'8) |
 r2. \mark \markup {\smaller \italic \bold {Chorus}} d'8 e'8 \bar "||"

chorusfinal = {
\override TextScript #'staff-padding = #3.0
fs'4\dmaj fs'8 fs'8 fs'4 e'8 d'8| r2 r4 cs'8 d'8 |
e'4\amaj e'8 e'8 e'4 d'8 cs'8 | r2 r8 fs'4 e'16 (d'16) |
d'2\gmaj r8 g'4 fs'16 (e'16) | e'2\amaj r8 d'4 e'8 |
r8\bmin fs'8~ fs'8 (e'16 d'16 e'4\amaj e'8 d'16 cs'16 | d'4)\gmaj r4 r4\amaj d'8 e'8 |
fs'4\dmaj fs'16 fs'8. fs'8. (e'16 d'4) | r2 r4 a8 d'8 |
e'4\amaj e'16 e'8. e'8. (d'16 cs'4) | r2 r8 fs'4 e'16 (d'16) |
d'4\gmaj r4 r8 g'4 fs'16 (e'16) | e'2\amaj r8 fs'4 e'16 (d'16) | fs'1\bmin~ | fs'2~\emaj fs'8 fs'4 g'8 |
g'4\gmaj r4 r8 g'4 a'8 | a'2~\amaj a'8 d''4 cs''8 | r8\bmin b'4.( a'4\amaj a'16 g'16 fs'8 |
g'4)\gmaj r4  r2\amaj | b'2\bmin (a'4\amaj a'16 g'16 fs'8 | g'4)\gmaj r4 r2\amaj |
b'2\bmin (a'4\amaj a'16 g'16 fs'8 | g'8\gmaj) r8 r4 r2\amaj | r1\bmin \fermata \bar  "|."

song = {
     \set Staff.voltaOnThisStaff = ##f
     \clef treble
     \key d \major
     \time 4/4
     \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1 

     \new Voice = "intro"       {\intro}
     \new Voice = "verseone"    {\verseone}
     \repeat volta 2 {
     	\new Voice = "versetwo" {\versetwo}
        \new Voice = "chorus"   {\chorus}
     \alternative {
	{\new Voice = "altone"     {\altone} }
        {\new Voice = "bridge"     {\bridge} }
     \new Voice = "chorusfinal" {\chorusfinal}


lyrVerseOne = \lyricmode {

  Woke up at the crack of dawn my van is packed and load -- ed
  I gath -- er all my bags and hit the o -- pen road__
  No oth -- er dri -- vers in sight
  Dri -- ving in -- to the day -- light
  Don't know where I will land to -- night

lyrVerseTwo = \lyricmode {
Seems like each path I choose turns out to be the wrong one
The road I thought was short turns out to be the long one
My eyes are op -- en wide
Still god I'm blind, I'm so blind
Don't know what I am going to find
With my

lyrChorus = \lyricmode {
  heart as my co -- pil -- ot
  With my heart as my co -- pil -- ot
  I will search, I will ride, I will roam____
  Will my heart earn its wings___
  With the love that it brings___
  I won't rest 'til my heart makes it home

altLyr = \lyricmode {
% \set associatedVoice = #"song"
\skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
\skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
\skip1 \skip1 \skip1 \skip1
\skip8. The16 wea16 --  ther8. fore8 -- cast8 says8 a8 
fog8 will16 be8. de16 -- scend8. -- ing8 \skip4
\skip8. The16 winds8 won't8 ev16 -- er8 cease,8. the8 
snows8 will16 be8. un16 -- end8 -- ing8. \skip4
\skip8 No8 mat16 -- ter8 how8 hard8 I've16 tried4
\skip8. I16 can't16 run,8. I8 can16 -- not8 hide8.
\skip8  In8 -- to8 this8 bliz16 -- zard8 I8 shall8. ride4 

lyrBridge = \lyricmode {
  Don't say the end is draw -- ing near -- er__
  I re -- fuse to check my rear -- view mir -- or
  I keep on driv -- ing fast -- er
  I'm flirt -- ing with dis -- as -- ter
  Just up a -- head I see the road that I am aft -- er__
  With my

lyrChorusFinal = \lyricmode {
  heart as my co -- pil -- ot
  With my heart as my co -- pil -- ot
  I will search, I will ride, I will roam____
  Will my heart earn its wings___
  With the love that it brings___
  I won't rest 'til my heart makes it home
  I won't rest 'til my heart makes it home, home, home


%    This is where you enter the song's chords  and durations between curly brackets
%    Consult the lilypond Chords-mode page for example of how to enter various chords:
harmonies = \chordmode {  
b1:min g b:min g

b:min g b:min g2 a2
b2:min g b:min g
d1 a2 g4 a4

b1:min g b:min g2 a2
b2:min g b:min g
d1 a1

d s a s g a b2:min a g a
d1 s a s g a g:maj7 s

b1:min g b:min g

a1 d a g
b:min g d a s
d1 s a s g a b2:min a g a
d1 s a s g a b:min e:7
g a b2:min a g a b:min a g a b:min a g a b1:min



%    This is where you define how to assemble the elements of your musical score.
%    No changes should be required in this section except to change the tempo of the
%    midi output file.

%    Output files include the log file, a postscript file (for fast printing), a pdf file
%    and a midi file.
 \score {
     \set Score.skipBars = ##t 

     \context ChordNames = mychords {
         \override ChordName #'font-series =#'bold
         \override ChordName #'font-size = #1  
%         \override ChordName #'word-space = #1.0     
%         \set chordChanges = ##t
         \set majorSevenSymbol = "maj7"
	 \set voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
         \override VoltaBracket #'minimum-space = #2

    \new Voice = "song" { \song }

    \new Lyrics <<   \lyricsto "verseone"    \lyrVerseOne
		     \lyricsto "versetwo"    \lyrVerseTwo
		     \lyricsto "chorus"	     \lyrChorus
		     \lyricsto "bridge"      \lyrBridge
                     \lyricsto "chorusfinal" \lyrChorusFinal
     \new Lyrics \altLyr
     \layout {

       \context {

            \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
            \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #1.6
%            \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Footlight MT Light"
           \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Maiandra GD"
%           \override LyricText #'font-size = #5.3
           \override LyricText #'font-size = #1.5
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