On May 9, 2007, at 7:11 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

Stan Sanderson wrote:
Preprocessing graphical objects...
programming error: minimise_least_squares ():  Nothing to minimise
This means that vertical spacing is triggered
before line breaking
Previous postings to the list referred to earlier versions and suggested a bug report...

For bug reports, please see

Please note that we require a _minimal_ example -- in this case, I would guess that four notes are sufficient. In addition, this bug might have already been reported; I'm not certain because the example is too long for me to examine in detail.

- Graham

O.K., I pared it down to a minimum (AFAIK). I eliminated the middle voice.

\version "2.11.23"
\include "english.ly"
\paper{ ragged-right=##t }
<< { e''4. e''4 e''8 fs'' g''}\\{ e2 ~ e8 r4.}>>

<<inline: Picture 1.png>>

The resulting error is as given above in the initial post.

My concern is with the vertical spacing between systems, which changed when going from Lilypond 2.10.20 to 2.11.23. The piece I have set prints on two pages; v 2.10.20 distributed the systems evenly between the two pages; v2.11.23 reduces the number of systems on the first page by one and crowds them on the second page.

I am clueless as to how to respond to the error, and a search of the manual for "minimize" and other variations of the error message did not provide enlightenment.



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