Hello, all --

Now that I'm well into engraving several big piano pieces in Lilypond 2.11.23, it has become even more clear than ever that: (1) the initial padding in measures is unacceptably small (and, in some cases, zero); and (2) the various known workarounds are overly time-consuming and code-cluttering.

For example, in the ragtime solo piano piece I'm currently engraving, close to 75% of the measures require some form of initial-padding tweaking -- and (grrr!) it's a different (amount of) tweak for almost every measure! =(

Therefore, I would like a quote on what it would cost to include a user-adjustable property to set the minimum space which must appear in every measure between the last prefatory item (i.e., bar line, key signature, time signature, clef; is that it?) and the first "musical" element (i.e., notehead, accidental, arpeggio or other attachment, etc.).


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