Thanks for the further hints.
> Michael O'Donnell wrote:
>> Thanks to Mats for this tip, which also helps me with a similar
>> project (I'm trying to set some old mensural notation just as given
>> by the 15th century copyist, who has somewhat different conventions
>> from those in LilyPond).
>> So, I managed to set some triangular heads, which I cooked up by
>> rotating one of the shape-note heads.
> I hope you have searched the mailing list archives. I seem to remember
> some
> recent discussions related to triangular note heads and the stem
> attachment
> of these.
I searched "triangle", "triangle notehead", and "triangular notehead",
but the only relevant stuff I found was this thread. There is stuff
about triangular percussion notes, the up-pointing triangular shape
note, and someone's desire for a downward-pointing triangular notehead.
The shape I need is a counterclockwise 90 degree rotation of the
shape-note. I can get it within a markup, but not as a glyph.
>> Remaining problems:
>> Get the stems to attach properly (they seem to default to the top
>> center).
Here's what I thought would do it:

\once \override NoteHead #'stem-attachment = #'(1 . 1 )

I find that the second component controls the vertical point of
attachment, as verified by experiments with different values. But, for a
wide range of values for the first component, the attachment remains at
the horizontal center (as it is for the diamond-shaped mensural note
that I am modifying).
>> For the future, it would be great to have a user-settable list of
>> noteheads for each duration as a parameter.
> Even better, you can already now specify a Scheme function that
> determines
> what note head to print. The function is specified using the property
> glyph-name
> of the NoteHead object and the implementation of the default function
> note-head::calc-glyph-name can be found in the file
> .../scm/output-lib.scm.
I researched this, but alas it only seems to allow selection of an
existing glyph. I am using a markup with a rotated glyph. I haven't
found a way to let a markup masquerade as a glyph.

I have a similar problem trying to redesign the clef sign. I tried what
I thought was the analagous tweak used for time signature and notehead
to substitute a markup, but only succeeded with a glyph straight from
the Feta font.


Mike O'Donnell

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