
I found a problem where the beam is not at the end of the stems but flying somewhere below them. The score excerpt is below.

There is also an very interesting output, if you remove the \stemDown. It looks as the stemDown doesn't make sense in the excerpt, but it does in the whole score.

Best Regards, Helge
\version "2.10.14"

\score {
	\new GrandStaff
		\new Staff = upper \relative c'' {
			\clef treble
			\time 6/8
			\partial 8*1
			| r8. b,16 d g r8. g,16 b e
		\new Staff = lower \relative c' {
			\clef bass
			\time 6/8
			\partial 8*1
			\change Staff=upper 
			| b,16 d g \change Staff=lower r8. g,16 b e r8.

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